Life and Health Groups

Revirtiendo la diabetes Workshop

Coming Up

  No dates set yet
  Ministerios Cazares | 11028 S Iroquios Dr, Phoenix, Arizona 85044
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Session 1: Cambia tu pensar (59m 56s)

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Session 2: Trata la causa (77m 39s)

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Session 3: Comer para vivir (88m 26s)

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Session 4: Transforma tus genes (85m 0s)

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Session 5: Construye tu equipo (75m 23s)

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Session 6: Escoge lo mejor (65m 12s)

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Session 7: Sueña grande (79m 51s)

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Session 8: Alimenta tu alma (32m 32s)

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Contact the organizer

Ministerios Cazares
Ministerios Cazares