Life and Health Groups

Diabetes Undone Workshop

Coming Up

  No dates set yet
  Bethel SDA | 183 Herkimer Street, Apt 3, Brooklyn, New York 11216
Do you already have a participant account?


Session 1: Change Your Paradigm (43m 53s)

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Session 2: Treat the Cause (60m 43s)

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Session 3: Eat to Live (58m 21s)

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Session 4: Transform Your Genes (53m 21s)

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Session 5: Build Your Team (44m 20s)

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Session 6: Choose the Best (41m 48s)

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Session 7: Dream Big (53m 40s)

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Session 8: Feed Your Soul (22m 17s)

No date has been set yet

Contact the organizer

Marcia Gillespie
Bethel SDA